Skin Solutions - Look Great, Feel Great
TATTOO Removal
Ink extraction - a safe alternative to Laser
Rejuvi Solution
This is one of the safest methods to remove ink. Unlike Laser treatment, no heat is involved. Laser aims to break the ink particle up small enough for it to be excreted through the lymphatic system.
WIth Chemical Extraction, the skin is treated with a chemical compound that extracts the ink and pulls it to the surface in the form of a scab.
It uses a similar technique to remove the tattoo as was used to put the tattoo on, in the first place.
Tattoo Vanish
The principle is that "like attracts like". The inorganic metal oxide from Rejuvi is placed in the skin to make contact with the original pigment ink. The two compounds attract each other and merge into the Rejuvi suspension. The skin pushes this combined suspension out of the skin and it forms a scab that gradually falls off.
In this way the ink is extracted from the skin without the risk of excessive heat used by Lasers.
Tattoo Vanish is another solution that I use to extract ink. It uses a similar technique to Rejuvi but the actual solution is different. Where the Rejuvi solution remains on the skin, Tattoo Vanish is removed after 15 min of in-salon application. It is an all natural solution that also bonds with ink to extract the ink. It takes a couple of days for the scab to form and in this way extract the ink out of the skin.